A teenage boy discovers a real-life horror scene in his home on Halloween morning and soon realizes it's not a holiday prank.
Patricia Mills is killed in a house fire in Goliad, Texas. Her sister, suspicious the fire is deliberate, investigates. It takes 10 years to break the silence but the surprising culprit is finally trapped: the fire was arson, Patricia was murdered.
A man insists his missing parents are on holiday, but a forensic investigation of their house shows signs of a vicious attack.
When the body of a 16-year-old girl is found in a field, it would take over two decades before a DNA profile of the killer can be developed.
A Naval officer who rose through the ranks and once questioned terrorists at Guantanamo Bay is found by his wife, dead inside a Florida hotel room. Is the brutal crime connected to his wartime service, or are secrets closer to home to blame?
When a wife claims she woke up to discover her husband had been shot to death as she slept next to him - and she didn't see or hear a thing - police are dubious. Is she a shocked and grieving widow, or a cunning killer with a twisted master plan?
A teenage boy discovers a real-life horror scene in his home on Halloween morning and soon realizes it's not a holiday prank.
Patricia Mills is killed in a house fire in Goliad, Texas. Her sister, suspicious the fire is deliberate, investigates. It takes 10 years to break the silence but the surprising culprit is finally trapped: the fire was arson, Patricia was murdered.
A man insists his missing parents are on holiday, but a forensic investigation of their house shows signs of a vicious attack.
When the body of a 16-year-old girl is found in a field, it would take over two decades before a DNA profile of the killer can be developed.
A Naval officer who rose through the ranks and once questioned terrorists at Guantanamo Bay is found by his wife, dead inside a Florida hotel room. Is the brutal crime connected to his wartime service, or are secrets closer to home to blame?
When a wife claims she woke up to discover her husband had been shot to death as she slept next to him - and she didn't see or hear a thing - police are dubious. Is she a shocked and grieving widow, or a cunning killer with a twisted master plan?
A teenage boy discovers a real-life horror scene in his home on Halloween morning and soon realizes it's not a holiday prank.
Patricia Mills is killed in a house fire in Goliad, Texas. Her sister, suspicious the fire is deliberate, investigates. It takes 10 years to break the silence but the surprising culprit is finally trapped: the fire was arson, Patricia was murdered.
Thirty years after three gruesome murders, familial DNA and the exhumation of a body finally closes the case.
Experts analyse sand found in a car when a man goes missing, which leads them to a body and a twisted murder case.
When a North Carolina preacher's wife is found murdered, police must determine not only who may want her dead, but whether some members of the congregation are mourning - or trying to cover up their part in the violent crime.
Family members desperately search for a missing Virginia teenager, not knowing police have a secret: they've discovered his body but refuse to release any info as they untangle an extraordinary motive.
After a single young mother fails to show up for work on Halloween, her family and friends suspect murder.
Donna Fontaine and her boyfriend Fred Palahniuk are found shot dead in a burning building in remote Kendrick, Idaho. A conspiracy of silence protects the killer until his lovers crack and confess the damning evidence needed to convict him.
Thirty years after three gruesome murders, familial DNA and the exhumation of a body finally closes the case.
Experts analyse sand found in a car when a man goes missing, which leads them to a body and a twisted murder case.
A night full of music videos for different music tastes. Dance, sing along or just enjoy the music under the blanket.